Sunday, January 27, 2008

Proofreading is important

I have an ongoing assignment in my class where the students submit responses to reading assignments from their textbooks. In the midst of a submission, I came across this that a student had written:

"yeah trying to finish up dis stupid reading assignment on blackboard"

Do I need say more?

When I discovered it, I copied and pasted it into my powerpoint presentation for the day. I showed it to the class and explained to them that they may want to read over what they have written before they submit it to me. Better yet, they may want to consider refraining from text messaging and/or instant messaging, or whatever the case may be while they are completing an assignment. I also said that I understood that some of them may not appreciate the reading assignments so I gave them another (different) writing assignment to do. Many of them asked if the new assignment was in lieu of the other assignments and I gladly told them that no, it was in addition to. I also gladly pointed out that when I meant "in addition to" I did not mean bonus, which is something that seems to be confusing to them.

The guilty party did come up to me after class and apologized. Hopefully she understood that she should spend more time concentrating on the assignment, not that she should make sure that she did not inadvertently type something into the assignment.

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